Songs Of the Cattle Trail & Cow Camp

Complete Text & Lyrics by John A Lomax

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A Cowboy at the Carnival
Then I see a city herder, a policeman, don't you
Sort o' think he's got men spotted an' is 'bout to make
a throw
Fer to catch me an' corral me fer a stray till he can
On the wire an' tell the owner fer to come an' get
his stock.
Yes, it's mighty strange an' funny fer a cowboy, as
you say,
Fer to hit a camp like this one, so unanimously gay;
But I want to tell you, pardner, that a rider sich as me
Isn't built fer feedin' on sich crazy jamboree.
Every bone I got's a-achin', an' my feet as sore as if
I had hit a bed o' cactus, an' my hinges is as stiff
From a-hittin' these hot pavements as a feller's jints
kin git,—
'Taint like holdin' down a broncho on the range, a
little bit.
I'm hankerin', I tell you, fer to hit the trail an' run
Like a crazy, locoed yearlin' from this big cloud-
burst o' fun
Back toward the cattle ranches, where a feller's
breath comes free
An' he wears the clothes that fits him, 'stead o' this
slick toggery.
Where his home is in the saddle, an' the heavens is
his roof,
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